Saturday, 18 August 2018

HSC 2nd Year: VNC Paragraphs


Facebook is a networking site, which connects people all over the world, making the Earth a global village. This social networking giant was launched by Mark Zuckerberg and his friends. The website mainly aims at connecting people or helps them socialise and makes its revenue out of advertising. A lot of teachers today feel that since the usage of facebook is very familiar with students across the globe, it may prove to provide an upper hand in their education, if used properly. Teachers and students may become facebook friends. That way, teachers may know a lot about their students personally. The student teacher interaction which may not be plausible in the classroom may be made possible online. Teachers and students can post study related videos and articles on their wall, for other students to view and learn. If students and teachers are facebook friends, students will be able to ask doubts any time and get clarified based on the availability of the staff online. If the topics and dates of submission for assignments are posted on facebook, it would be convenient for both the staff and the student. This networking may create a bonding between the preacher and the preached that may not be possible in today's classrooms. As we all know, there are two sides to a coin, to an untold story and to every other thing on earth. Everything has its pros and cons. Hence, facebook, if used properly can be made a powerful educational tool. But, the students who spent more than six hours on facebook were found to have lost interest in studies and eventually, their GPA were less. But, the advantages of facebook can be made to outweigh its disadvantages if educators start using facebook as an educational tool. In conclusion, this study is all about fore fronting the emerging phases of Facebook with special attention to education and academic purposes. Therefore, this paper triggers empiric and theoretical probe on academic activities in Facebook.


The recent movement of Banladeshi students for Road safety in the name ‘We Want Justice’ is really phenomenal for parents, teachers, leaders and for the generation next. Bangladesh is beset with many problems including road accident and the root cause of all problems is over-population. Road accident is one of them and nowadays it has become national catastrophe or crisis for Bangladesh. Everyday road accident is taking away enormous innocent lives ruthlessly. Whenever we turn over the newspaper pages everyday, we find such types of unexpected road crashes news. Day after day we are becoming helpless to the street accidents. Now it is the greatest concern for Bangladesh to reduce death tolls and injured people which are being occurred for sudden road accidents. It has even become dreadful to walk on the busiest roadside in the urban areas. No individual is responsible for causing road accidents singly. There are various reasons for occurring road crashes in Bangladesh. The reasons include inexperienced drivers, lack of social awareness, overtaking tendency, lack of training, ill-motive of earning huge profit, lack of control of our law-enforcing agencies and the like. “Stop plying of three-wheelers on highways, introduce speed metres and create awareness among drivers about the danger of reckless driving” -- these are the major recommendations of the experts.  Road accident should be declared as the national disaster and the prompt and effective actions are much needed to mitigate this problem. The more delay to take actions, the more death tolls to be brought. Traffic rules should be imposed strictly. Passers-by and drivers should be aware. Radio and television can play a vital role in this regard.

Satellite TV Channels in Bangladesh
Satellite TV channels greatly divert our young generation from our rich heritage. Earlier our youths were influenced by western culture but with the introduction of satellite TV channels they are now dominated by Indian culture. Noticing that those channels were diverting our young generation to foreign culture, the local entrepreneurs launched local satellite channels. ATN, the first private TV channel, started operation in 1997. Gradually other channels came into being. At present about 17 local private TV channels are continuously airing programmes upholding our long-cherished culture and tradition. But if we shuffle through the channels we will come across the ubiquitous dance sequence of the Indian music video. Unfortunately, the young generation is easily lured into those things. They remain glued to Indian channels most of which air music videos that ooze with sexuality. As the students waste most of their time watching vulgar music on the satellite channels, they do badly in their exams and thus ruin their future. But satellite TV channels have their bright sides also. There are some very good informative and educative channels like Discovery, Nat Geo Wild, Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN, etc. Watching those channels we can easily widen our gamut of knowledge which will ultimately give us power. So, to protect society from the catastrophic effect and to protect our own rich culture we must ban those channels that air sleazy stuff. TV for kids ought to combine entertainment with some sort of value, be it educational or artistic. Furthermore, while it needn't be juvenile or dumbed down, it cannot contain elements that are completely unfit for a very young audience. Unfortunately, we cannot control what is being shown on our television sets. We can, however, lead our children to understand that there is a world outside of the virtual one. And it's not all that bad out there.

City Life and Rural Life
We, modern humans, willingly choose to live our life. Sometimes we choose to be free while sometimes confined. Free life is  the village life which refers to living in the greenery. City life refers to the life of urban people. There is wide difference between village life and city life. Both the City and the village serve functional purpose in their own way. The village feeds and clothes people and the city provide learning and culture. There is a wide gap between the two in the matter of amenities of life. This gap must be bridged or at least made narrow. The villagers also should enjoy some of the comforts enjoyed by the people living in the cities. Village-life is plain and simple. Here, there is no din and bustle of the city. Everything is calm and quiet. People are in direct touch with nature. Most of their time passes in looking after fields and cattle. They are religious and pious. They devote much of their time to prayer and to signing in praise of God. They enjoy pure air. They get pure and unadulterated food grains, fruits, milk and milk products. They also get fresh vegetables and fruits. The village has many disadvantages, too. There are no good doctors in the village. Therefore, many people die for want of proper treatment. There is much dirt and filth in the village. There is illiteracy also. They are very few libraries. For want of these, people generally remain superstitious. They quarrel among themselves and waste their time in idle gossip. City-life is full of glamour and is very fascinating. There are magnificent multi storied buildings, broad roads, shopping malls, multiplexes, electric light, etc. In large cities, there are mills, factories and industries too. All these dazzle the eyes of newcomers to the city. Here, there is novelty in everything. The dress of the people is different, the habits are different, and there is difference in manners and speech also. Even the daily routine of life is different. People spend their evening in a park, a library, a shopping mall, or a cinema hall. From time to time circus, dramatic parties and exhibitions visit the city and provide diversion to the people. Then there are football, tennis and cricket matches, public meetings, speeches by eminent persons, etc. all these are entirely absent in villages. In the midst of all these, the city-people lose their soul. They turn into something like a machine. They exist merely to each and to spend. City life is good only for the rich. Poor people do not fit in the City. They have to live in dirty quarters. They find it difficult to make both ends meet. In spite of these disadvantages, poor people have to live in Cities. The City provides various sources of income. There are a large number of occupations in the City. They provide livelihood for a large number of poor people. Whatever be the conditions in both lives, we have to choose one just to be happy and just to live a dream life.


  1. বাংলাদেশের শিক্ষা বোর্ড কর্তৃক প্রকাশিত হয়েছে SSC Result

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